Welcome! This website is designed to keep everyone up-to-date with my latest projects. I’m currently a Music Teaching & Learning PhD student at Eastman School of Music. My research interests include music technology integration in the classroom, perception & cognition of groove in popular music, and online professional development. Feel free to explore past projects I’ve worked on.
-Ben Guerrero
Latest Music Project
University of Rochester / Eastman School of Music Women's Chorus, in collaboration with Gates Chili High School Advanced Women's Choir, perform "Colorful" by Philip E. Silvey for SSA chorus, piano, and violoncello. The video highlights 10 extraordinary graduates of the University of Rochester. The composer, Philip E. Silvey, recently asked me to create a virtual choir music video without putting all of the singers in a box or a grid. This is what we came up with. I mixed the audio in Logic Pro X and edited the video in Final Cut Pro.